Best Of Life And Memories

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

CAM Int'l

CAM International
8625 La Prada Drive
Dallas, Texas 75228

CAM International's story really begins in Costa Rica, not Dallas, Texas, and with two women, not Dr. C.I. Scofield.

Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Lang, wives of coffee plantation owners in San José, were burdened for the thousands of Spanish-speaking people around them who were living in spiritual darkness. They were moved to pray that God would send laborers into the Costa Rican harvest field.

It was in 1888, during this time of intercession for Costa Rica, that Dr. C.I. Scofield, through seemingly incidental circumstances and a chance encounter, was confronted and challenged with the spiritual destitution of Costa Rica. While North American missionaries were ministering around the world, in all of the Central American Republics there was only one Spanish-speaking Gospel witness, in Guatemala.

He shared his burden with a small group of spiritual men from the church he was pastoring in Dallas, and after much prayer and a fact-finding trip to Central America, the organization of the Central American Mission took place in Dr. Scofield's home on November 14, 1890.
The McConnell family
The McConnell family

On February 14, 1891 the prayers of Mrs. Ross and Mrs. Lang were answered. In less than four months from the founding of the Mission, William and Minnie McConnell, CAM's first missionaries, arrived in Costa Rica.

Others followed and built well on the foundation laid. Missionaries would reach Honduras, El Salvador, Guatemala, and Costa Rica.

In 1944 CAM expanded its horizons and moved into Panama. In 1955 CAM missionaries began the work in Mexico, concentrating on church planting in the large urban areas of central Mexico.

In 1971, after 80 years of ministry on this continent, the Mission's ministry was extended to include Spain. For nearly three centuries there had been practically no evangelical testimony there.

Today, scores of CAM missionaries give themselves daily to evangelism, church planting, leadership training, radio broadcast, publishing Christian literature, educating missionary children, and Bible translation.

These ministries combine to produce healthy and vibrant local churches which stand as an effective Gospel witness and a strong evangelical influence. In the coming decade, the emerging Spanish-speaking Church will grow to play a significant role in world evangelism. CAM International will expand its ministry to facilitate this missionary movement.


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