Best Of Life And Memories

Saturday, May 27, 2006

The Green Slime

Rated G
Copyright 1968 Metro Goldwyn-Mayer Inc.
Reviewed a long time ago.

Commander Jack Rankin - This guy wouldn't stop smiling if a rabid weasel was in his shorts, he would just grin and give you a thumbs up.
Commander Vince Elliott - In charge of the space station and not very happy Rankin is senior to him. A rash man who gives one Green Slime a hug. (That means he dies.)
Lisa Benson - Woman torn between loving Rankin and Elliott.
Dr. Halvorsen - Head researcher aboard the space station, he gets seriously fried.
General Jonathan Thompson - Gruff senior officer, his main role in this movie is sweating.
Captain Martin - Elliott's right hand man, for some reason he looks natural in a white motorcycle helmet.
The Green Slime - Alien life form which feeds on energy and even a single drop of blood can regenerate into new creatures. Incinerated.

When the astronauts land to place their bombs they find the asteroid is inhabited by strange blobs of glowing slime that are drawn to the equipment. After blasting off and barely escaping the massive explosion (Imagine an orange and brown papier mache' ball with half a stick of dynamite inside and you're golden.) the heroes return to Space Station Gamma 3. Unfortunately for everyone some of the slime was carried back on a space suit, it soon evolves into a tentacled creature! So the thing kinda looks like Sigmund the Sea Monster, he never fried anyone with several thousand volts of electricity. (Yes, I know it's the amps that get you.) This gives a nice excuse for Elliott and Rankin to have a power struggle over who is in charge, the latter a firm believer in "shoot first ask questions later." Another unfortunate fact about Green Slime, even a single drop of blood will grow into a new monster. So now you have dozens of pissed off Sigmunds running around electrocuting the crew, good job Rankin. In the end humanity is saved by crashing Gamma 3 into Earth's atmosphere, incinerating the Green Slime. Thank goodness something stopped them besides THROWING your laser rifle. The characters often unload at point blank range without effect, soon as they throw the weapon it goes right through the monsters eye. Even if you don't like watching "spacemen" wearing white 1960's police motorcycle helmets firing "laser guns" at waddling masses of latex monsters you have to love the title song.


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