Best Of Life And Memories

Friday, May 26, 2006

North And South Miniseries

Based on the best selling novels by John Jakes.

North and South, the beginning of an epic stemming from the friendship of two men at West Point which speads to their entire families. The friendship of George Hazard - from a wealthy Pennsylvanian steel family, and Orry Main - from a southern plantation where his family keeps slaves, are tested with endless struggles.

Love and War, Book II of the series shows them progress through the Mexican American War, fighting on the same side. After, they find themselves fighting on opposite sides of the Civil War and struggle to maintain their friendship through these troubled times.

It took more than 2 years to bring the novel North and South to the screne, including -
- 25 million dollars
- 140 + cast members
- numerous extras
- 100 production workers
- 8,700 pieces of wardrobe (lead actresses each wore 28-35 different costumes)
- 15,000 set decorations and hand props
- 5 months filming in 5 states - 4 writers
- 540 page teleplay
- 940 scenes

The womens wardrobe consisted of 3,300 costumes and 400 accessories such as jewerly, hats, fans, and shoes.

Poloroids would be taken of the actors in their costumes, to document even the slightest tilt of a hat, so it could be re made months later.

Patrick swayze states, "All the battle Scenes were done by 'reenacters'. people who make a lifetime hobby to reenact 19th century battles..."

He also states that the biggest challege of filling the role of Orry Main was, "making a self-pitying bitter man likeable..."

The exterior shots of Mont Royal were taken at the mansion Boone Hall, while the interior were taken at another mansion, Stanton Hall.

Swayze had the habit of not memorizing his lines until just before the cameras roll.

"I go crazy in fight stuff! I love it. I love it!" He was equally enthusiastic about doing is own riding and stunt work in the miniseries.

Of all the characters Swayze has played, Orry Main is the closest the himself... to the person that he is.

"My co-star, Patrick Swayze, and I took our clothes off for a scene where we’re making love. I thought we'd better give the poor public something. You can’t have the audience sitting there for hours while these two characters are saying, ‘No, no, I can’t.’ I was delighted when they finally say, ‘yes, yes, I can’."
-Lesley Anne Down

Best Quotes:

Episode I

"No please, you can't take another bird's baby" - Brett
"I'm sorry Brett, you found it, you put it back...if I can't have it no one can!" (squashes egg) - Ashton

"It's no small thing for a man to have a son at West Point" - Tillet

---Orry meets Madeline---
"We can never repay you sir, and I don't even know your name" - Madeline
"It's Orry, Orry Main, I'm from Mont Royal, up the river" - Orry
"Well, my name is Madeline Fabray" - Madeline
"I'm delighted to meet you" - Orry

"It's customary in this part of the country for a lady to give a gentleman a token if she wishes to thank him properly" - Orry
"I see you collect them" - Madeline
"Ma'am?" - Orry
"Tokens?" - Madeline
"Oh, this is from a lady who stole my heart six years ago...when she was little sister Brett" - Orry

"I feel I can trust him [Orry], I don't know why" - Madeline

"Oh, I dropped something, that was very clumsy of me." - Madeline
"Yes it was" - Orry

---Orry and George meet---
"Thanks, Orry Main" - Orry
"George Hazard, glad to know you" - George
"Not as glad as I am to know you" - Orry
"Pennsylvania, Leheigh Station" - George
"South Carolina, I'm on my way to West Point" - Orry
"So am I" - George

"You're probably the first real Southern I've ever met" - George
"You're my first damn yankee" - Orry

"I've never been great at book learn'n, I just wonder if I'll make it through it." - Orry
"Oh, you'll make it through, I'll bet money on it" - George
"You will. What are you doing? That's a ten dollar note!" - Orry
"That's right, now when you graduate from West Point, you give that half back to me and another ten dollars." - George
"What if I don't graduate?" - Orry
"Then I'll give you my half, but that's not going to happen...this is one bet I'm going to win." - George

"If there is a war with Mexico, it's going to play havoc with my wine cellar" - Justin

"A mind hardly seems necessary Nicholas, when one [Madeline] has a face of an angel" - Justin

---George, Orry, and friends arrive at West Point---
"Excuse me sir, ah, my friends and I are plebes..." - George
"No sir, you are not." - Cadet
"Sir?" - George
"You are things sir, to become plebes you must first survive the entrance examination, until then you are lower than plebes, you are the lowest of the low, you are things sir, remember that." - Cadet

---George and Orry's first encounter with Bent---
"My name is Bent, Cadet Bent. I sirs, am your drill master...what is your comment on that sir [Orry] or do you have one." - Bent
"No I don't" - Orry
"You will reply no I don't sir!" - Bent
"No I don't sir!" - Orry
"Thank you sir, I know how difficult that must be sir, cause you gentlemen from South Carolina consider yourself superior to the gentlemen from Georgia, do you not sir?" - Bent
"No we don't sir!" - Orry
"Good sir, I'm pleased you agree with me, surprised but pleased none the less. And you sir [George], how do you feel about the South as compared to your section of the country sir? The East I believe, which do you think is superior sir?" - Bent
"Why the East sir! Nothing but dirt farmers down south, present company excepted sir, as always." - George

"Orry's letters were so wonderful, I think they're part of the reason I fell in love with him, but he doesn't write anymore." - Madeline

"I believe the word is Bent" - George

"Do you keep slaves?" - Virgilia
"My family does, yes." - Orry
"Are you evil Mr. Main?" - Virgilia

"It's not nonsense [abolitionist] father, it's god's truth" - Virgilia

"Well, I don't have to like everything about what you do, anymore than you have to like anything we do" - Orry talking to George

"I will fight the ungodly evil that lives in the South" - Virgilia

"Brett says that Priam doesn't deserve to be whipped, and I say he does." - Ashton

"Who the hell are you?" - Salem Jones
"I'm Orry Main Mr. Jones." - Orry
"Oh, Mr. Main, I was coming up to meet you sir, just as I finish this." - Jones
"This, is why I'm here. What's Priam done, why you beating him?" - Orry
"No crime exactly, it's his attitude sir. Priam don't show the proper respect." - Jones
"A good overseer knows how to get a mans respect without beating him. And we don't whip slaves at Mont Royal. So you let Priam go." - Orry
"Your father told me to handle these slaves any why I see fit" - Jones
"Well I don't see fit to let you whip him...especially cause it appears you enjoy it." - Orry

---At Madeline's wedding to Justin LaMotte---
"Why did you stop answering my letters?" - Madeline
"What? I didn't, you stopped answering mine." - Orry
"I didn't...Papa, it was Papa, he destroyed your letters." - Madeline "What?" - Orry
"He wanted me to marry Justin..." - Madeline

Episode II

"I can't forget about Madeline just like that" - Orry
"You don't have to forget her, you just have to stop thinking about her for a while" - George

"Perhaps that's why I remember Orry, to help me forget my life here at Resolute" - Madeline (I love how she says Resolute)

"I wanted to be the one to tell you, be here, see your faces when you hear the good news, I have been dismissed from this be on your guard because I won't forget you two, I wont forget you two ever." - Bent

"Be on our guard? For how long, the rest of our lives? - George (damn straight George!)

"Well, I guess the best thing I ever did at West Point was to make a good friend from South Carolina." - George

"If you ever speak out and embarrass me on any subject whatsoever ever again, you will suffer as you have never suffered before." - Justin

"I love you, I had to tell you just once." - Orry

"Forget me Orry, it's the only way." - Madeline

"We're supposed to be fighting Mexicans, not each other." - George

"Elkanah, you should learn to curve your enthusiasm for yourself." - Senator Edwards

"I could dance with you forever." - George

"My father thinks he's very clever Lieutenant Hazard, he doesn't want me feeling obligated to go back to Ireland with him, so he's been trying to find me a husband." - Constance

"Your laugh is one of the beautiful things about you [Constance]." - George

"You know I fell in love with you during our very first dance." - Constance
"Was it my face or the uniform?" - George
"It was the way you looked when Major Laferty cut in on us, like a little lost puppy dog." - Constance

"Nothing like a trip to hell to show you what it's like." - George

"Get up Bent, I always knew you were a coward. If you ever cross me or my friend Orry Main again, I'll find you, and I'll kill you, just as sure as you crippled him." - George

"You know Pa won't be home for hours." - Constance
"We really shouldn't." - George
"And why not, aren't we almost married?" - Constance

"Oh, Maum Sally, I have to go to him [Orry], I have to, he needs me." - Madeline
"That is the one thing that you can never do." - Maum Sally

"Well, I don't think you [Orry] got the judgment of a mule right now. All you can do is sit there and feel sorry about yourself."- George

"You're going to start at Lehigh Station by being the best man at my wedding to Constance." - George
"I would be very proud to stand up with you George." - Orry

"Folks have said you've [Madeline] got about the kindest heart around here." - Priam

"I wasn't sure for a while but I know now that I am very much alive." - Orry

Episode III

"Oh mother, we need to notify the architects, so we can set up slave quarters in the back." - Virgilia

"The true crop of a Southern Plantation is a human crop." - Virgilia

"Quite a reputation around here, Madeline the Merciful." - Justin

"I've ridden by a hundred times hoping you'd be here." - Orry
"Oh, I tried to stay away too, but I couldn't." - Madeline
"There hasn't been a day that I hadn't thought about you." - Orry

"In my heart I'm married to you and I always will be." - Madeline

"I just don't understand you. Why weren't you stronger with him?...Instead you let your brother George walk all over you." - Isabel

"We'll have out chance, we'll get back everything that your brother George has stolen from us, him and his Irish slut of his. We're going to make them sorry. Very sorry indeed." - Isabel

"They don't care about me, they treat me like I'm a stranger...hell if it wasn't for my last name they wouldn't have me here at all." - Charles (opening lines)

"I've been a slave all my life, that don't mean that I liked it." - Semarimis

"It's best to take care of hard business early, and that's what I'm here to do." - Orry
"Is that so." - Jones
"I'm relieving you from your employ of Mont Royal..." - Orry
"Why?" - Jones
"I never liked you or the way you did your job." - Orry

"But you hear me, the day may come when you'll regret throwing me out like this, and I promise you that." - Jones (I guess he keeps his promises)

"I can't find a way to get away from that tribe." - Jones
"What's that you say Salem?" - Charles
"None of your business boy, you keep your ugly Main nose in your own ale." - Jones
"You insult my family." - Charles
"Your family, is that what you call them? That ain't what they call you." - Jones
"So happens I'm not in love with the Mont Royal branch of the family myself, but I've talked to some of the slaves about you Mr. Jones, the fact is I defend you. They said you weren't fit to sleep with pigs, but I said you were!" - Charles (My fave line!)

"But what's love got to do with anything? Everybody says James is going to be real important someday and a girl can never have to many important men courting her, now can she?" - Ashton

"You may, and god's feet will guide you Mr. Huntoon, you will need it." - Orry, about courting Ashton

"Now I'm going to teach you how to shoot and how to win. 72 hours is all we got." - Orry

"Fear will push you into haste and haste will push you into the grave." - Orry

"That peacock over there is to stupid to be scared." - Orry, about Whitney Smith

"You have shown every attribute of a South Carolinan gentleman today. I'm proud of you." - Orry, to Charles

"Here's to life." - Orry
"Thanks to you." - Charles

"What about when they get out though? At least you and I could fight on the same side." - George

"Oh Ashton, I just have to say it, I think he is so handsome." - Brett
"Billy? He'll do, of course along side Charles most anyone would look good." - Ashton

"And 100 proof of trouble, take my word and give her [Ashton] a wide birth, Brett's the one you want, take another look at her." - Charles

"Never mind pretty girl, he'll [Billy] get enough of her games sooner than you think. Come on, lets take a walk, you and I." - Charles

"If you don't like Southerners Virgilia, then why in the world did you invite us up here?" - Ashton

"I didn't want you here, but I wasn't consulted." - Virgilia

"Slave owners are nothing more than whore masters." - Virgilia

"Main and Hazard, that's got a nice ring to it." - George
"Almost as good as Hazard and Main." - Orry

"If you cared about me, you wouldn't be such a damn gentleman." - Ashton

"You [Madeline] can just lie there and rot for all I care." - Justin

"You can see how dangerous he [Justin] is, he'd find me, and kill me." - Madeline

"I want Belvedere to be a link to the underground rail road." - Constance

"It's Orry isn't it, that's what you're thinking about?" - Constance

Episode IV

"Well, I am Virgilia Grady - Hazard - I am Virgilia Hazard." - Virgilia

"I do like you Brett, I do." - Billy

"Damn you" - Ashton
"For knowing what you are?..." - Billy

"I want to be your friend." - Virgilia
"Ain't no white lady in Carolina friend to a man like me." - Grady
"I'm from the North, and we hate slavery." - Virgilia

"I don't believe in never." - Grady

"Since the Hazards have come to visit us, I've all but lost my appetite." - Ashton

"If one of your prisoners escaped, I wish that man all the luck in the world." - Virgilia

"I did help Grady escape Mr. Huntoon.... You see him as a niger! I see him as a man who deserves to be free!" - Virgilia

"We had a beautiful marriage your mother and I, I wanted that for you. I know now I did you a terrible wrong. I took Orry's letters so you would agree to marry Justin." - Nicholas Fabray (dying)
"I know, and I forgave you a long time ago for that." - Madeline
"...Your mother's skin was fair, like yours, but Loret's mother, your great grandmother, was a decress, a slave." - Nicholas

"My husband and I will not prostitute ourselves for a few pieces of silver." - Virgilia

"I don't understand what you see in that boy, when there are so many men around." - Ashton

"Don't be ridiculous, I couldn't possibly love just one man, just think how disappointed all the rest would be." - Ashton

"Billy Hazard, you're not going to run away from me again are you?" - Ashton
"As far as I can get." - Billy
"That'll never be far enough sweet Billy." - Ashton

"Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" - Billy to Brett

"You yankee boys are all alike, thinking y'all got something special." - Ashton

"Just like old days isn't it Orry?" - George
"Only this time we don't have to worry about getting caught.....George..." - Orry
"I've missed you old friend. Two years is a long time, and don't you tell me how busy you've been at the mill. I know what Virgilia did, and Grady did..." - George
"George, I feel that I've let you down today. Now, what Virgilia did was wrong, but it was not your fault. I should've told you that then, or written." - Orry
"It's important that you're telling me now." - George

"Here's to friendship." - George
"Here's to it." - Orry

"Don't shame our family anymore than you have." - Charles to Ashton

"I am not most people. I am the man who loves you remember?" - Orry to Madeline

"You mean more to me than anything else in the world." - Orry to Madeline

"Rot in here for all I care." - Justin (gee, repetitive much Justin?)

Episode V

"Just because I'm honoring him [James] by marrying into our family doesn't mean I'm obligated to spend my last days of freedom in his company." - Ashton

"You make marriage sound like a jail cell." - Brett

"You only hate Billy because he wants me now instead of you." - Brett

"You just make sure he marries you......first." - Ashton

"Now there's a way we can get rid of that yankee and have nothing to worry about if you help me." - Ashton
"What is going on in that devilish mind of yours." - Forbes

"I saved myself for you James." - Ashton (what a load of crap.)

"It'll be wonderful to see George and Constance again." - Brett

"I can feel it, we're not welcome here [the north] anymore." - Brett

"Thank god there's one person [Charles] in both our two families who knows who he's fighting and why." - George

"Now you don't think it's a bit to Irish do you?" - Constance, about her Irish green gown

"Well no wonder, I'm the best kept secret in this family." - Virgilia

"You are an evil man [Orry], and evil sees evil in everything." - Virgilia (in a way isn't she calling herself evil too?)

"It's my life and I should be able to decide what to do." - Brett

"I don't take orders from trash like you [Orry]. Not anymore." - Grady

"Murders! you're all murders! don't you touch my husband, I'll see you rot in hell think he's dead, he's not dead, he's free!" - Virgilia

"You're talking about a war, between us, and the people that we love." - Brett

"His [Grady's] death will be avenged." - Virgilia

"You're thinking about Orry again aren't ya." - Constance, her famous words.

"Orry will be my enemy. War is killing. Killing your enemies Constance." - George

"I was afraid to tell you, we've had so many disappointments George." - Constance
"But this time it's true?" - George
"We're going to have a baby, in the spring." - Constance

"Lincoln is a coward...we will finish what we began at Harpers Ferry." - Virgilia

"Where's my tonic? Give it to me!" - Madeline (drugged up)

"I'm planning to raise a personal regiment." - Justin

"A house divided will not stand." - Orry (wait, HE didnt REALLY come up with that!)

"Well, I don't want to talk about Billy Hazard, or any Hazard. The entire subject is distasteful to me and is therefore closed." - Orry

"George Hazard was the only real friend you've ever had and ever since you quarreled with him, you've been mad at the world. You've shut yourself off, you drink alone, you never smile..." - Brett to Orry

"Whether I love, or whether I do not love is none of your concern." - Orry
"I pity you Orry, you're afraid to let a women mean anything to you." - Brett

"I have the marriage I need to get where I'm going." - Ashton

"You promised, that you'd help me get even with Brett and Billy Hazard." - Ashton

Episode VI

"I declare, I wish I could go out just like this." - Ashton

"You're thinking about Orry aren't you." - Billy

"I say secession is a symbol of Southern Pride." - Street Person

"To your undying happiness." - George

"Well I guess they've done it." - Orry
"Secession." - George
"You wanna go outside George? and watch the South celebrate it's own funeral?" - Orry

"Damn the Union! and Damn your union" - Ashton [about Brett's wedding]

"What do you think Huntoon. George and I fought for the people have just torn it apart." - Orry

"And if I were you Sir, I would keep my mouth shit in Charleston. Your Yankee accent is more offensive than ever." - Huntoon to George

"I just pray that he'll be sent to some safer place, even if is far away from me." - Brett about Billy

"I just can't believe it's come to this...suddenly we're on different sides because some politicians say we are. Well, I'm not chosing any side. I'm staying right here." - Charles

"No one calls me a traitor Corporal, dismount!" - Charles
"Go to hell." - Corporal

"And I'll kill the next man who calls me a traitor." - Charles

"I'm just a hell raiser and a horse solider." - Charles

"I'm gonna enjoy putting a bullet between Billy Hazard's eyes." - Huntoon

"Southern girl, marrying Yankee trash." - Justin

"And after that there'll be one less yankee to worry about." - Huntoon

"I'll Kill you [Madeline] for that" - Justin

"Now we'll see you at the flagstop!" - Ashton

"You touch those reins boy and there'll be blood all over this road." - Forbes

"You picked the wrong man for that." - Charles

"Jackasses gave you a short load...Madeline got to Mt Royal and told us how they plotted this whole thing." - Charles

"Cause you thought Billy and Brett would never ger there didn't you Ashton." - Orry

"It was your idea wasn't it? A nice legal way for Forbes to murder Billy..." - Orry to Ashton

"You shut your mouth or I are no longer part of this family." - Orry to Ashton

"Bad apples taking over the barrel." - Charles

"Orry, I'm so ill." - Madeline

"You'll probably feel alot worse before better but I'll be with you all the time." - Orry to Madeline

"I want my wife and you're standing in my way" - Justin

"I've given Madeline sanction here at Mt Royal." - Orry
"Sactionary from her own husband..." - Justin
"You haven't been a husband, you've beaten her, locked her up, drugged her, treated her worse than an animal or a slave and you treat them worse than any man I know." - Orry

"I believe it's time the South learn to compromise also. I intend to be president of all the United States." - Lincoln

"Madam, you are talking to a military genius. Well, I do love his money, and I don't remember extending the emotion to include you." - Bent

"And I have enemies who will be suprised." - Bent

"George is a fool not to make all the money he can from this war." - Isabel (greedy much?)

"No. She [Virgilia] can go to a hotel, or she can to to a hospital...or she can go to HELL!" - Isabel
"But she can not stay here." - Stanley

"This poor creature is her own worst enemy." - Constance about Virgilia

"Oh now she's got the irish gift of prophecy." - Isabel

"So this is what a half million dollars looks like." - Charles

"I want to see him again. It may be the last time I ever will."

"We are now at war." - Solider

"My deepest sympathy is for the South sir." - Orry (damn right! cause he knew they'd lose!)

"I thought I'd show you the best news of all." - Constance, shows Orry Hope

"There's not alot of honor between people these days Orry, You're a crazy fool but you've got more than your share." - George

"Now I know most of you, you're my neighbors, but the 1st man who moves against my friend will be the 1st to die." - George

"Take him yourself, it's not worth getting killed over." - Leader of mob

"God go with you Orry, until we're all together again." - Constance

"I have no tolerance of my enemies even when they come in the shape of a friend." - Virgilia

"Freedom has to be born in blood and fire." - Virgilia


At 2:42 PM, Blogger RosieP said...

Never understood why Ashton was given a better fate than Virgilia in the miniseries, when the opposite happened in the novels.


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