Best Of Life And Memories

Sunday, May 28, 2006

The Smell After Rain

The rain it raineth every day,
Upon the just and unjust fella,
But more upon the just, because
The unjust hath the just’s umbrella.

There is nothing more peaceful for me then to walk through the rain. For me this experience is letting the water run down my body as it washes my worries away.

Rain can go with any situation; as Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Nature always wears the colors of the spirit.” This quote sums up the best part of rain.

Watching the rain is a spiritual experience for me. It can be so beautiful and overwhelming, and yet a lot of people take it for granted.


Rain On Me
by Shelly

You tap on my window and awaken me.

I hear the clouds tremble, and the wind whispers your name.

I feel your gentle touch.

An image of myself appears in you.

You are like a cup overflowing in my hands.

I can move a diameter and you will be gone forever.

I dance with you in the moonlight.

You softly embrace my body.

You speak volumes to me without whispering a word.

I'm not concerned if lightening strikes me because of you.

Sometimes you arrive like a flood and leave like a butterfly.

At daybreak I stand in adoration of you.

You gave me a gift.

Your sweet smell lingers in the air.

Roses bloom, birds sing, and children play remembering you.

It amazes me that people simply call you "Rain."


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