Best Of Life And Memories

Friday, June 02, 2006

Martyr Of The Catacombs

Author/Publisher: Christian Light Publications / Christian Light Publications
Page count: 153

The Roman Coliseum and the Catacombs are part of our Christian heritage, testimony to a time when salvation was a serious decision and martyrdom a daily occurrence. Though fictional, this story shares the details of real life for many believers during the days of Emperor Decius. Deeply moved by the courageous manner in which a powerful combatant turned Christian and innocent children face death in the coliseum, a Praetorian guard enters the clammy depths of the catacombs to assuage his curiosity. He emerges a changed man, but he must return and adopt the deathlike existence himself or face destruction at the hands of his former friends. This book is small but mighty. Ages 12+ Softcover


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